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Common WMS Deployment Challenges from an SAP Logistics Consultant

Every Warehouse Management System (WMS) project has challenges to be met and hurdles to overcome – that is a given. But one of the keys to success is knowing what those challenges and hurdles are likely to be and putting plans in place to avoid them as much as possible. In my 40 years of designing, coding, and implementing WMS solutions, I have seen eight things that are both common WMS deployment challenges AND things that can be minimized, if not completely avoided, with advanced warehouse planning. To help make your WMS deployment smoother, I’ve outlined those challenges and how to mitigate them in this eBook

8 WMS Deployment Challenges

  • #8) Bad WMS/Material Master Data at Go-Live
  • #7) Not using Barcode Scanning
  • #6) Waiting Too Long to Figure Out Bin Label Specifics
  • #5) You don’t invest in a RF Site Survey
  • #4) You Don’t Test Printers, Labels, and Forms Early Enough in the Project
  • #3) You Don’t Test Your Interfaces Enough
  • #2) You Don’t Use System-Directed Putaway
  • #1) Not Getting the Warehouse Associates Heavily Involved in the WMS Solution Testing

Ensuring a Successful WMS Deployment 

Do any of these challenges sound familiar? In my experience, these eight factors can lead to failed WMS deployments and lots of headache for stakeholders. Keep these eight challenges in mind for your next WMS deployment to ensure a successful implementation. If you’re looking for further guidance, connect with one of our experts today. To learn more about the above eight challenges, download the free guide!

Download the Free WMS Deployment Challenges eBook


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Contributions from Skip Berry

Tags: Logistics Consulting, Network Design and Inventory Optimization, Supply Chain Planning & Execution