All organizations require innovative solutions to survive and grow; however, few are able to realize them.
The world is changing. Disruption is constant and low hanging fruit is gone. Winning in today’s market requires functioning as an established player and a startup, simultaneously. Most companies are unable to navigate these opposing tensions.
We understand innovation. The Clarkston Consulting team has studied strategic innovation historically, academically and most importantly, in the real world. We have developed a highly differentiated and proven approach to help our clients develop and implement breakthrough strategies to address their most critical business challenges.
Growth Accelerator
Most companies have exhausted every avenue of growth. We apply our proprietary approach to strategic innovation to identify innovative ways to find and drive incremental growth.
Multicultural Engagement
While most companies are targeting multicultural segments, most have been tactical and have only scratched the surface, at Clarkston we leverage our unique MCE insights and innovative approaches to help clients uncap incremental MCE revenue.
Innovative Adjacency
Over 75% of attempted adjacencies fail. We have studied hundreds of adjacencies and have extrapolated innovative insights to help our clients develop and implement winning adjacency strategies.
What Our Clients Say
Cross Cultural Marketing Director
Clarkston provided a more innovative approach and thinking. They’re more trustworthy and transparent than companies I’ve worked with in the past.
By partnering with our clients, Clarkston Consulting develops and implements innovative ideas designed to improve competitive readiness, organizational mindset, and marketing positioning. To learn more about our Strategic Innovation methodology, please contact Sebastian Valencia.