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Developing a Dashboard Solution for Clinical Trial Data

Recently, Clarkston partnered with a biopharmaceutical company to develop a dashboard solution for clinical trial data. Read a synopsis of the project below or download the full case study.

Download the Dashboard Solution for Clinical Trial Data Case Study Here

In the competitive landscape of research and development (R&D) across the biotechnology industry, leveraging data effectively can be the difference between success and stagnation. Recently, a prominent biotech firm faced challenges with its existing operating model and ways of working for how they managed and analyzed clinical trial data.

Manual processes, unstructured data sources, and inefficient reporting tools hindered the company’s ability to derive timely insights and make informed decisions. Additionally, repetitive, and inefficient processes meant different R&D teams would spend more time aggregating and consolidating data than performing exploratory research and analyses. Recognizing the need for change, they turned to Clarkston Consulting’s data and analytics experts for help.

Clarkston’s approach was simple yet impactful: understanding the client’s unique needs and objectives thoroughly.  Through extensive working sessions with key stakeholders, we gained valuable insights into their existing workflows, pain points, and desired outcomes. With this knowledge, we then formulated a strategic roadmap focused on developing an MS Power BI tailored specifically to the needs of the R&D team to aggregate data and report it easily and in a more visual manner.

The collaboration between our team and the biotech company exemplifies the power of data-driven solutions in the biotechnology sector. By developing a tailored dashboard solution and a centralized location to access the reports, the Clarkston team empowered the client to unlock actionable insights that had previously been obscured by inefficient processes. The goal was to not only accelerate drug development timelines but also hold the promise of improving patient outcomes – a vital goal in the field of biotech. By creating dynamic reporting that can be filtered by multiple dimensions and parameters, the client increased their data accessibility rate. Our data visualization services reduced the time researchers needed to extract insights from their data, making the analysis process more efficient and effective.

Download the Dashboard Solution for Clinical Trial Data case study, and learn more about our Data & Analytics Consulting services by contacting us below. 

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Tags: Case Study, Data Strategy, Clinical Trials