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Fostering Engagement: Taking Stock with Lorraine Mackiewicz and Carrie Francis

According to Peter Drucker, “Developing talent is business’s most important task – the sine qua non of competitive advantage in a knowledge economy.”  As organization consider this task, it is important to understand how so many of the traditional norms and expectations relating to talent acquisition, collaboration and inclusiveness have been altered in recent years, even before the pandemic.

  • In acquiring talent, companies need to ensure that they are taking into account future employees who are seeking purpose-driven companies whose values are aligned with their own.
  • To drive collaboration, the right  tools, technologies, and resources need to be made available to employees and partners to foster virtual collaboration in an increasingly virtual environment.
  • To ensure inclusivity, organizations need to allow for diverse thought and perspectives into their decision making processes – not just because it is the right thing to do…but because it will also drive business value

All of this said, I’m excited to welcome Lorraine Mackiewicz and Carrie Francis to the this week’s Taking Stock.  Lorraine and Carrie are two thought leaders within Clarkston who specialize in organizational change strategy for the consumer products, retail, and life sciences industries. Together, we’ll discuss the topics outlined above with a focus on why a company’s ability to ability to engage talent is more critical to success than ever before.

You can download and listen to the Fostering Engagement: Taking Stock with Lorraine Mackiewicz and Carrie Francis podcast episode here.

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Taking Stock

In this podcast series, Clarkston Consulting Partner Steve Rosenstock sits down with experts and thought leaders from both within Clarkston and throughout its consumer products and life sciences client-base, covering a range of topics from industry trends and consumer dynamics, to organizational governance and business strategy. Steve provides you access into the passions of its guests and allows you to benefit from their stories, knowledge, and deep expertise.

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Tags: Diversity + Inclusion, Organizational Effectiveness, Organizational Health, Podcast