Clarkston Consulting
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Strategic Innovation Capabilities

Tackling breakthrough strategies often requires leaders to look at problems differently. Our Strategic Innovation Capability engages with business leaders on how to possess and apply an understanding of how innovation really happens, developing their strategic innovation skills, and as a result, fostering a more innovative culture.

People are innovative, not companies.

Spending millions of dollars on innovation incentives wonā€™t make your company more creative. Nor can breakthrough innovation be delegated. Those who own its implementation should be central to its generation. Even organizations who recognize the necessity of executive involvement in Strategic Innovation may not have the innovation insights, tools, and skills necessary to apply strategic innovation principles to specific business challenges.


Most innovation strategies include outdated or ineffective methods for generating ideas. Clarkston Consulting helps our clients create an organizational capability around strategic innovation by advising on innovation capability needs, and delivering leadership coaching and immersion workshop sessions.

The Innovative Leader

Clarkston Consulting will provide your leadership team with real-time engagement on the organizationā€™s Strategic Innovation needs and skills.Ā  These engagements involve active assistance in applying Strategic Innovation principles to specific business challenges. Solution includes:

  • Challenge Diagnostic & Strategic Innovation Capabilities Assessment
  • Innovation Methodology Training
  • Priming your organization for successful implementation

The Innovative Company

To become a more innovative company, your employees must understand how innovation works and possess the skills to innovate.Ā  We leverage our insights and proprietary tools to help your people achieve this goal through training, system and process building, workshops to unlock the innovation potential in your team and company.

Business Leaders Innovation Workshop

Clarkston Consulting offers our clients immersion sessions with executive teams to develop a shared understanding of how Strategic Innovation happens, how to get more of it, and where itā€™s needed most.

What Our Clients Say

Associate Director, Oncology Business Unit Marketing Lead

Global Pharmaceutical Company

Clarkston understood immediately the objectives of the project for which I engaged them. They were extremely responsive, as well as on target with the proposed solutions they provided.

Within the Clarkston Consulting Management Consulting practice we have developed an approach for our clients tried and tested in the real world and based on decades of research in the way people think, create, and make decisions. To learn more about how this approach can help your organization generate breakthrough ideas, pleaseĀ contact Aaron Chio.

Contact Aaron Chio

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