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Best Practices to Optimize PMO Performance

Contributors: Liz Johnson

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the role of a Project Management Office (PMO) has evolved from merely supervising project execution to becoming a strategic partner that ensures alignment with corporate goals and company values. As businesses face mounting pressure to deliver value-driven results quickly, optimizing PMO performance has become more critical than ever. To manage business changes effectively in a fast-moving environment, a comprehensive approach that fosters collaboration, leverages the latest technologies, and promotes a culture of continuous improvement is needed. Below, we break down five best practices to optimize PMO performance within your organization. 

5 Best Practices 

1) Ensure Strategic Alignment 

While businesses will always have a multitude of projects occurring at once, it’s important to ensure the PMO is aligned with the business’s current and future goals. This alignment is essential for optimizing resources and pushing towards value-driven outcomes that maximize benefits. This is especially critical during the early phases when deciding which projects to intake based on the organization’s current needs and prior approved projects.   

A strategically aligned PMO will foster a cohesive ecosystem across the organization where cross-functional business units work towards a common vision. This alignment is important as your PMO grows in size and scope and its impacts are felt throughout your business. Overall, having discussions early in the process, and frequently throughout, about resources, timeline, and goals is the only way to achieve effective organizational growth. 

2) Foster a Culture of Agility and Flexibility 

With rapidly changing market conditions and evolving customer needs, agility is essential when managing effective and efficient projects. Due to many company and market variables, agility varies based on different organizations, but the benefits are always there. For instance, when operating in an agile manner, the PMO gains increased visibility into project progress across the portfolio, which helps enable a quick reaction time to resolve roadblocks and effectively manage resource time. Thus, by PMOs providing support and governance on how to manage projects, project managers are able to focus on the execution of project milestones and deliverables. This methodology enhances stakeholder engagement throughout the project lifecycle, enables faster feedback loops, and ensures continuous improvement. 

3) Identify and Evaluate Risk Management  

A PMO is critical for managing risks by identifying and analyzing across all the projects. Since the PMO has insight into projects across the business, they are easily able to evaluate if resources are overburdened and ensure dependencies between project timelines are not causing restrictions. Therefore, consistent check-ins and standard portfolio reporting across the organization is beneficial for the PMO to improve decision making and ensure efficiency when looking to resolve risks.  

Since risks vary and require acknowledgement early in the project, prioritizing and identifying how the team will approach each risk is also important. A data-driven PMO will employ data analytics to anticipate project risks, understand resource utilization patterns, and pinpoint opportunities that can improve efficiency. Leveraging data with your risk management plan lets the team make robust, informed, and fast decisions. 

Dedicating time early-on to identify key metrics and how to track them will allow the team to display project progress, resource tracking, and other important risk factors. Tracking these metrics will aid in responding to growing risks and support proactive mitigation efforts to avoid major disruptions. This also encourages knowledge sharing across the organization and comparisons to past projects, problems, and solutions.  

4) Embrace Technology  

Organizations have varying technological and system maturity, but no matter what stage of progress your company is at, it’s important to leverage the technology you already have while planning for future enhancements. Technology can be used to empower project managers to effectively manage timelines and resources and improve project outcomes. Leveraging your existing tools, like Kanban and organizing group pages, for example, can enhance collaboration with the team, improve sharing of key information, and encourage stimulating questions.  

While not all businesses can afford to start with GenAI immediately, it’s beneficial for your organization to consider it as a future goal and begin plans for integration. Since GenAI is becoming more available and cost effective, this opportunity will be more achievable for organizations in the future, regardless of a business’s financial restrictions. Adopting GenAI and other technological advancements enables real-time tracking and reporting, streamlines processes, and provides enhanced visibility into project progress to key stakeholders. This is especially important in constantly evolving businesses where traditional tracking (i.e., spreadsheets) may fall short in measuring project success.  

While there are many tools to help your PMO embrace today’s technology, it’s important to keep your business’s maturity in mind and leverage your current strengths so efficiency and productivity can be maximized before adding new tools.  

5) Invest in Change Management  

While continuous improvement is crucial for a PMO, addressing the human side of change is equally important. Change management in the PMO is essential to ensure that teams and stakeholders embrace new processes and technologies while simultaneously minimizing resistance and fostering a smooth transition. While change management has many complex layers and requires significant maneuvering, organizations that learn to embrace and optimize change are often far better prepared. 

Optimize PMO Performance  

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach for PMOs, it’s important to have established processes and standards in place to ensure consistency across the organization. While techniques and strategies must be tailored to your organization’s unique needs and goals, collaborative communication efforts throughout the process remains key to ensuring success and high-quality outputs. 

A PMO requires substantial support and planning, and Clarkston’s program and project management team can aid you in starting or optimizing your PMO processes. If you’d like to understand how Clarkston can help your business achieve its goals, reach out to our experts today. 

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Contributions from Addie Schmidt and Ayan Mohamud 

Tags: Project & Program Management, Change Management