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SAP Jobs at Clarkston: Principal Data/Analytics Consultant Career Q&A with Shantanu

Shantanu Mukherjee is a principal data management and analytics consultant at Clarkston Consulting. He shares his SAP career journey below! Read his Q&A to gain insight into what an SAP career with Clarkston is like!

Shantanu’s SAP Experience

How does Clarkston help you pursue an SAP career of excellence and job fulfillment? (ie. What is your favorite part about working at Clarkston?)

My experience at Clarkston Consulting has been highly satisfying, and there are various factors that have contributed to my growth as an SAP professional and my overall job satisfaction. One of the most notable features of working for Clarkston is the diversity of stimulating and challenging projects that I get to work on. The company partners with clients from a range of industries, including retail, life sciences, and consumer products, among others. This ensures that each project is unique and requires a tailored approach, keeping me fully engaged and intellectually stimulated.

Another critical aspect that has made working at Clarkston enjoyable is the company’s corporate culture. The organization places a high value on innovation, excellence, and collaboration, which is apparent in all its partnerships. The company culture encourages employees to work in teams, promoting camaraderie and a sense of belonging.

Clarkston’s dedication to promoting employee growth and development has also been instrumental in my SAP career advancement. The company provides numerous in-house and external training and development programs that equip employees with relevant skills and knowledge to advance their careers. Additionally, there are numerous opportunities for career progression within the company, providing a clear sense of direction and purpose for employees.

Finally, the supportive community at Clarkston has been an essential component in my SAP career growth. The company’s work-life balance initiatives, wellness programs, and employee resource groups highlight its commitment to promoting employee well-being. The supportive colleagues and managers at Clarkston are always willing to provide guidance, candid feedback and assistance when needed.

Why did you join Clarkston as an SAP consultant, and why have you stayed?  

I joined Clarkston Consulting as an SAP consultant because of its reputation for excellence in the industry. The company has a strong track record of delivering high-quality results to clients across different industries, and I wanted to be part of that success. Additionally, I was impressed with the company’s commitment to promoting employee growth and development, which was essential for me in pursuing a long-term career in SAP.

Since joining Clarkston, I have stayed for almost 13 years because of the many challenging opportunities across different clients within the company. The firm offers a range of in-house and external training and development programs that have helped me acquire relevant skills and knowledge to advance my career. Moreover, the supportive community at Clarkston has been invaluable in enhancing my SAP career. I have always felt supported by my colleagues and managers, and there’s always someone willing to provide guidance or assistance.

Furthermore, I appreciate the diverse and stimulating projects that Clarkston offers, which have kept me engaged and intellectually stimulated. The company’s focus on innovation, excellence, and collaboration is evident in all its dealings, making it an enjoyable workplace.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to grow their SAP skillset and career? (ie. What has worked well for you?)

To enhance your SAP skillset and career, I recommend prioritizing ongoing learning and development. Keeping up with the latest technologies and best practices in the SAP field is crucial to career advancement as the industry is always changing.

One approach to achieving this is participating in relevant training and development programs, including those offered by external SAP partners or industry associations, and in-house training provided by Clarkston. Additionally, hands-on experience with SAP systems is vital, so consider volunteering for internal initiatives or working on actual projects.

Networking is another key aspect of career growth in the SAP field. Attend industry conferences and events to connect with other SAP professionals and stay up to date with industry trends. Joining professional associations and online forums also provides opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing.

Lastly, to differentiate in the SAP career, it’s essential to develop a broad skillset beyond technical expertise. Skills such as project management, industry expertise, communication, and leadership can be valuable in a competitive job market.

Overall, to boost the SAP skillset and career, prioritize ongoing learning, hands-on experience, networking, and developing a broad skillset. These approaches have been successful for me in my SAP career and could benefit anyone looking to grow in the field.

What made you pursue a career in SAP? (ie. What was your career path like? Is there a typical SAP career path?)

I pursued a career in SAP because of the exciting opportunities the field offers to solve complex business problems through technology. My career path in SAP started with an undergraduate degree in computer science and then getting my first non-SAP assignment with a major consulting firm.

After completing my first assignment, I started my career as an entry-level SAP consultant, working on implementation projects for various clients. Over time, I gained experience and knowledge in SAP solutions and processes, which led to new opportunities and increased responsibilities.

The typical SAP career path can vary depending on an individual’s background, education, and interests. However, generally, it includes entry-level roles as an SAP consultant or analyst, followed by mid-level roles such as team lead or project manager. With experience, professionals can progress to more senior roles, such as senior project manager, director, or even C-level positions, depending on their career goals.

One advantage of pursuing a career in SAP is the diversity of opportunities available in different industries, including healthcare, retail, consumer products, and more. This provides SAP professionals with the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, learn new skills, and gain exposure to different industries, which can enhance their career prospects.

Overall, my career path in SAP has been fulfilling, and the field offers tremendous opportunities for growth and advancement. While there may not be a typical SAP career path, professionals can advance by gaining experience, developing skills, and pursuing new opportunities aligned with their interests and goals.

Clarkston Career Story

How long have you been with Clarkston?

I have spent 13 years with Clarkston Consulting and it has been an amazing journey. During this time, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects and collaborate with talented professionals across various industries. It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience to contribute to the growth and success of both the clients and the firm. Clarkston’s commitment to excellence and innovation, along with its supportive and inclusive culture, has kept me engaged and motivated throughout my tenure. I look forward to continuing to grow and contribute to the organization in the years to come.

What is your role at Clarkston?

My role is of a principal consultant at Clarkston Consulting, where I lead the charge in providing valuable strategic counsel to clients across a range of industries. In my role, I am tasked with overseeing client relationships, being the subject matter expert, driving project teams, and delivering customized solutions that address complex business challenges head-on. My work involves deep collaboration with clients to understand their specific needs, identify areas for improvement, and deploy tailored solutions that drive business growth and success. Moreover, I serve as a mentor and guide to our talented junior consultants, helping them hone the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their respective roles. This position is both challenging and fulfilling, as it affords me the opportunity to make a significant impact on the clients we serve and contribute to the ongoing success of Clarkston Consulting.

Tell us about a new skill you’ve developed recently.

Recently, I had the exciting opportunity to develop my skills in leading data governance implementation projects and data analytics with SAP solutions. In particular, I was able to lead a data governance implementation project for a self-care company, which involved developing and implementing strategies to manage the company’s data assets and ensure compliance with industry regulations. I also had the opportunity to work on a data analytics project with SAP solutions for a major grocery retail client, which allowed me to expand my knowledge of using data to drive business insights and decision-making. Through these experiences, I was able to develop my expertise in these areas and gain valuable hands-on experience that I can apply to future projects. It was an enriching experience, and I am excited to continue developing my skills and knowledge in these areas.

If you had to choose, which of Clarkston’s core values do you feel resonates with you the most?

If I had to choose, I would say that Clarkston’s core value of “Brilliant Client Service” resonates with me the most. As a consultant, I believe that our clients’ success is our success, and we should do everything we can to help them achieve their goals. This means actively listening to their needs and concerns, providing innovative and tailored solutions, and being responsive and proactive in our communication and collaboration. To me, “Brilliant Client Service” embodies this commitment to going above and beyond for our clients, and it is something that I strive to embody in my work every day. Ultimately, our clients’ satisfaction is the ultimate measure of our success, and I believe that by delivering exceptional service, we can build strong and lasting relationships that benefit everyone involved.

How has your work changed post-COVID?

My work has undergone significant changes since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The shift to remote work required me to adjust my approach to collaborating with colleagues and clients. While there were some challenges, such as the lack of face-to-face interaction and the need to navigate different time zones and schedules, there were also some unexpected benefits.

One of the advantages of remote work is that it allowed me to be more flexible and productive with my time. Eliminating the need to commute to the office saved me a lot of time, giving me more opportunities to focus on my work and personal life. Additionally, digital collaboration tools made it easier to connect with colleagues and clients across the globe, facilitating cross-functional and cross-cultural collaboration.

However, I do miss the social interaction and energy that comes with working in an office environment, and I think it’s important to stay connected and engaged with colleagues and clients despite the physical distance. Overall, I believe the pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work and digital collaboration tools, and it will be fascinating to see how these trends will impact the future of work.

Which internal initiatives, communities, or projects are you involved in at Clarkston?

I am currently involved in several internal initiatives at Clarkston, including writing thought leadership articles, contributing to the development of internal innovative SAP accelerators, and engaging with the SAP community. These initiatives provide me with the opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise with my colleagues and contribute to the growth and success of the company. Additionally, being part of the SAP community helps me stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the industry, which is crucial for my professional growth and development.

What advice would you give to someone starting at Clarkston?

My suggestion for someone starting at Clarkston consulting is to accept and integrate the company’s culture and values. Be receptive to learning and growth opportunities because Clarkston provides a supportive and collaborative work environment where employees are encouraged to collaborate and exchange knowledge and expertise. Take the initiative to acquire new skills by being proactive and taking responsibility for your career growth. In addition, it is essential to establish strong relationships with colleagues and clients to be successful at Clarkston. Lastly, it is critical to maintain a positive outlook and an ability to adapt to changes in the industry and clients’ needs.

In your experience, what qualities make someone a good consultant?

From my experience, successful consultants exhibit certain qualities such as excellent communication and interpersonal skills, analytical and critical thinking abilities, adaptability to changing environments, strong work ethic, and a commitment to delivering high-quality work. They should also possess expertise in their domain and have a passion for continuous learning and professional growth. Additionally, they should be able to build trust and credibility with clients, work effectively in teams, and maintain a client-first mentality.

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